Saturday, 3 November 2012

Calling All November Journalist!

Well hello there everyone! It's ToastyTim (bet you didn't even know I worked here)! I'm here to post about our Journalist Program! Its the 3rd of the month, so that means Journalist can submit their blogs to, and it may get featured on the main blog!
Taken from the main blog
Here are the guidelines:
  • You MUST publish your own content, no taking words from other people and using them as your own! (However, you CAN use pictures from the main blog in your post!)
  • You should be active in the community!(You should post on your blog at least twice a week, your blog should to be open for atleast a month, you should be active in-game, and on the forum)
Here's your reward:

  • You get a spiffy little J badge on the lower right corner of you playercard!
Looking spiffy boss!
  • Your blog will get featured on the Main blog on the sidebar!
Spiffy Blogroll!
So what are you waiting for!? If you think you qualify, leave a comment with your blog on the blog post!
Maybe you can be a journalist! Don't be afraid to sign up HERE!

Good luck, and keep writing!
Keep it spiffy!

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