Monday, 3 December 2012

5O Followers Contest!

Hey guys! My blog has reached to a giant 5O followers!
As a result I will host a contest...
My favourite season is Winter... why?
  • Christmas
  • New Years Day
  • My birthday!!
Since Christmas is coming up and I love art, let's kick off winter with a Christmas Edition Drawing Contest.

A winning entry will include:
  • A Christmas and Chobot related picture on the computer or by hand.
  • A unique and eye-catching artwork
  • A fully working link to the entry. If you have difficulties contact me in-game or on Skype.
You have until 23rd December, 2012 to finish your drawings, and the winner(s) will be announced on Christmas Day.

Winners will receive:
  • Any item from the shop worth no more than 20,000 bugs
  • A personalised header, banner and a moving banner for your blog.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
Good Luck, I can't wait to see these entries!


P.S. My Skype account is ChobotsTwinkle


  1. hey can we make any chobot related to christmas?

  2. Yes! The task is to draw a Christmas, Chobots Related picture.


Please add a 'magical' comment. :)