Monday, 31 December 2012

Awkward Choment of the Week

Hi guys!
Today I went to Cow Mission to feed Daisy her hay. It was all going well, I harvested all her hay and zapped away all the evil Nichos. Until it got to the point when I had to feed her...
Here are a few pictures to show what happened next:

Well, that was my Awkward Choment of the Week.
What was yours? Comment on this post you awkward choment.
Can't wait to hear your funny stories.


  1. That awkward choment when you tell a really long joke which takes you ages to type and no-one laughs.

    The awkward choment when you make a typo because of your keyboard and you get a chat ban!

    That awkward choment when you can't tell if somebody is telling you a joke or not.

    1. Great reply Support! The first one really made me laugh haha!


Please add a 'magical' comment. :)