Saturday, 5 January 2013

Cho Energy

Hey Chobots,
Cho Energy is back! Here is a guide on Cho Energy. You can also find this guide on my ‘Guides’ page on my blog. (It will redirect you to this post)
What is Cho Energy?
For those who have not experienced Cho Energy, it is a system where you can earn points and level up by playing games in Cho. Also, after every four levels you will receive a special prize!
How do you use Cho Energy?

As you can see on my playercard, there is a little star with a number in it at the bottom right. This is the level of your Cho Energy, currently I am at Level 37. Whenever someone views your playercard, they are able to see your level.

How do I view my Cho Energy?
To see how much energy you need to level up you click on your bugs at the top of the page. A new pop up card will appear on your screen which looks like this:

You click on the button ‘My Cho Energy’ and another pop up card will appear that looks like this:

This is a summary of your Cho Energy. It includes your level, a cool title which depends on your level, total Cho Energy and how much energy left until the next level. It also has a little bar that fills up to show you if you are close to leveling up and a picture of the next item you will receive once you’re level is a multiple of 4.
How do I earn Cho Energy?
You can earn Cho Energy by playing games. For example, in every round of Robo Factory (Found in the GameZone), you receive +2 Cho Energy.
What is the quickest way to earn Cho Energy?
It all depends on what game suits you. However, in my experience, I have noticed that Sweet Battle gives a lot of Cho Energy. (+8 Cho Energy if you win and +3 Cho Energy if you lose).
However, other users say that The Mechanical Crab, (Found in the GameZone), is a great way of earning energy.
That’s probably all you need to know about Cho Energy at the moment, if you are still stuck feel free to contact me. I hope my guide has helped.

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