Monday, 4 February 2013

Awkward Choment of the Week! #3

Hey guys! Today I logged on Cho and almost everyone had a Nicho mask/costume on! Even KOIZ! But.. the strange thing is, they were talking about nachos?! 'Nicho Nacho's' as they like to call it.
Maybe it's an evil plan to poison Chobots with Nachos D:
Hmm.. I don't know but afterwards Koiz was headless and replaced her Nicho mask for a popcorn hat..
Very strange indeed..

Please report back if you see anymore Nicho Mayhem..!
Haha, so yeah, that was my Awkward Choment.
What was yours? Comment on this post! :)

1 comment :

  1. at max's party when nicho's came and then it went dark. But max went but kioz forgot to go XD


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