Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Recruiting April Journalists

A new month has began and the Chobots Team have decided to recruit new journalists into the scheme. There are certain requirements you must follow to participate in this program.
  • You're posts should not be copied from a different source; you have to write them yourself. You are free to copy pictures from the Official Blog, however if you are taking it from another Chobot's blog, you should always ask for their permission first.
  • Be creative and unique - Your posts don't always have to be about Chobots. You could share a story, you could post diary entries, comics.. anything that will make your blog noticed by the judges.
  • Your blog must be at least a month old and your blog should be updated at least twice a week.
If you feel that your blog has covered all the requirements then submit your blog!
Click here to read the official post, this is where you should submit your blog.
You have until Friday, April 12

Have you been submitting your blog since the start of this program and not been very successful? Well I've written the perfect guide for you! Simply click here to read it.
Former journalists do not have to re-submit their blogs.

Good luck to all you budding authors.


  1. Ooo submit your blog its amazing o;

    1. Current journalists don't need to re-apply.
      I think the Chobots Team go through the current journalists and keep or remove a few journalists. Let's hope they don't remove me!

    2. Ooooh ok.. well I hope too cuz this blog is awesome along with Vasa's and bebo


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