Wednesday, 6 March 2013

New author :D

Hiii! Many of you probably know me, my name is Program! I now work here on ChoGossip and I am honored! If you don't, here is a little background about me.

I started out around beta time on in 2008 as a citizen and I was an agent on .de and .in around 2010. I was known as Hiki to most people and was part of the "Help chobots become popular again!" when chobots was about to shut down. I also played 7wizards, you would know me as Hiki and Tovictory there. Both .com and 7wiz shut down so I moved to .de, which was hacked right after. After that, I decided to move to to continue playing. I found myself a moderator on .in (not hacked) around early 2011 and changed my name to Program. was closed due to a new game,! Koiz and I have known each other for a while so we decided to go to together! So here we were. I've stayed as Program and not hiki and I guess I'm well known? I've worked on pretty much over 350+ blogs (I have gotten my feather) and I have won quite a few contests. I have been an agent for 5 times, retired right now but I look forward to being an agent in the near future! Anyways, I like to run, write, draw, spend times with friends, having movie nights, eating, and singing. I love impressing people and I am working to college right now. In my spare time, I like to listen to music and hang out on chobots. I love meeting new people and my favorite colors are black, grey, white, and red. I hope I get to meet all of you guys because I love making new friends! So that's pretty much it! And this is me:

I hope to see you guys later and I'll keep you guys posted :) Stay tuned in! Also, visit my blog anytime!


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