Monday, 4 March 2013

Spring is here!

Hey guys! Spring is finally here.. and so is St Patrick's Day and Easter! Woo.
I have so much to talk to you about but lets go in order..

Blog Updates
As you can see, my blog is St Patrick's Day themed at the moment and soon it will be Easter themed! I took a long time creating my template so I hope you all enjoy, I might make a photoshop tutorial soon or maybe a blog tutorial.
Also.. I changed my blog name! It's now called: ChoGossip. It sounds more unique in my opinion because having your username and then 'Chobot Blog' is quite common. I changed my URL too to:, be sure to share it to your friends!

Chobots Updates
We have defeated the Nichos and Chobots is finally at peace! The team cleared away all the rubbish left behind by the Nichos and restored us back to normal Chobots. The game seems a lot brighter and friendlier now, hence the server names being changed to Chocolate, Vanilla and Pie City.
There have been new clothes added to the shop (as said in Swifter's post) and I would like to share a picture of a few of my favourite items which have been added recently.
Fun Stuff Button
I recently made a new page called 'Fun Stuff'. It is located in the middle of my page list at the top. This is where I will put fun Chobots related stuff and if you keep checking back at it, there may be new buttons and fun stuff!

Cool Outfits
Also, I recently dressed up in cute, girly, spring themed clothes and wished to share it with you girly cho's out there!
I love all these outfits and you may see me wearing these more often. I especially like the middle outfit as all the colours compliment each other. Sorry boys! I don't have many boyish items xD However, if I see some cool spring outfits in Cafe St. I will share it in my next post!
Also, the butterfly background I used is so cute! I might use it for a Spring Template if I make one.

That's all for now,
Stay tuned as more gossip is yet to be spilled!

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