Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter Sunday

Hey guys, Happy Easter! Today should resemble new life and beginnings. I hope you didn't eat too much chocolate! xD

I drew this picture for you all! It's a Chobot wearing bunny ears!
I got the idea from a design made by Art.
His designs are really cool! I wish him the best in his designing career! x]
These ears are so cute, I hope they get made!

Cool Playercards
I thought I'd share with you some cool playercards!
I haven't seen these before, so I'm guessing they will be coming soon; perhaps in the $hop?

Also, I got a new playercard! I believe it was for becoming a Journalist. I love it!

The shop is updating! I wonder what there will be.. perhaps the new playercards I just showed you? Or maybe some old citizenship items as they won the poll.. Hmm, I'll post the new items as soon as they come out so keep checking back on my blog!

Cool Styles
I found a cool and cute trend in Cafe St. today! It was based on TV and Movie Characters.
I chose a user called Neat as she had some sweet outfits inspired by famous characters.
Look at how much effort was put into these outfits. I love her Marge outfit as I am a big fan of The Simpsons, I think I've watched one episode of Johnny Bravo, and her outfit looks exactly like him!
Well done Neat, truly amazing outfits.

That's all for now,
Happy Easter! Comment your favourite $hop item, or perhaps your favourite Movie/TV character.
Don't forget about my 75 followers contest so get following!


  1. haha ik i wore also lisa but to bad u didnt see meh oh well thank you <3

    1. Oooh, a Lisa outfit would have been great!
      Well done:)
      Twinke <3

  2. Great blog! My favorite character is Scooby Doo, lol.

    1. Hey, thanks for reading my post!
      I love Scooby Doo! But I don't watch the series anymore because I prefer the old ones!xD


  3. Awesome post! Love how you keep up to date with your readers! :)

    1. It's a pleasure writing to you all, honestly!


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